Nature School – Parent Corner


2 day - $1,855 per year

3 day - $2,600 per year

5 day - $3,940 per year

Lower School 

K-8th - $6,400 per year

Half Day K - $4,620 per year

School Calendar

Closings and Delays


Nature School follows Carteret County Public Schools delays or closures, however due to the outdoor nature of our program we reserve the right to cancel or delay school due to severe weather on days when the public schools may remain open. If Carteret County schools delay or close, Nature School will follow the schedules below:



  • If there is a 1-hour delay preschool will start on time at 9am.
  • If there is a 2-hour delay preschool will start at 10am.
  • Preschool will be canceled if the CCPS are canceled.
  • If CCPS releases early for inclement weather, preschool session will continue until 12pm unless the release time for the public schools is before 12pm. In this case, parents will be notified of Nature Schools early release time.



  • In some cases when the CCPS cancels school due to inclement weather, the weather clears, and it is safe for people to be on the road in the afternoon. If the school system cancels school but the roads are safe to travel on and the weather is safe to be at school, class may be held. The Nature School Director will e-mail/text parents by 10am to let parents know if the afternoons classes will be in session for the day.
  • Afternoon classes will be canceled if the CCPS release early for inclement weather.


Lower School 

  • If there is a 1-hour delay Lower School will start at 9am.
  • If there is a 2-hour delay Lower School will start at 10am.
  • Lower School will be canceled if the CCPS are canceled.
  • If CCPS releases early for inclement weather, Lower School will release at the same time. In this case, parents will be notified of Nature Schools early release time.

Clothing Guidelines 

All classes are held outside in all weather elements and appropriate clothing is essential for the students to have a safe and successful day at school. There are many opportunities for water and dirt play and students should be dressed in clothing that can get muddy. Click the icon above to download our gear guide.

Nature and Play Based Learning


Research articles coming soon.