Overnight Camp Information

Cabin Mate

Part of the fun of coming to camp is meeting new people, but recognizing that sometimes a familiar face can make adventures easier to face, Camp Albemarle makes every attempt to honor one cabin mate request. To make a cabin mate request, please go to ‘Room Request’ found on the Camper Information page when completing your registration form online. Enter the friend’s name there. Please do not list more than one name or write any other additional words. In order for us to honor the request, it must be reciprocated by the other child (the friend must also request only your child on his/her registration). It is a good idea to have spoken with the requested friend’s parent before registering in order to confirm that they will request your child on their registration form. Please do not list more than one friend as these requests cannot be honored. Additionally, camps are filled on a first-come, first-serve basis, and we cannot hold bunks for friends or for late registrations. There are multiple large group activities at camp, so even friends who are not in the same cabin will see each other throughout the day and evening.


Camp Store

Throughout the week campers will be given the opportunity to go to the camp store during their free time. You may leave money on account for your camper during registration or online so they can purchase souvenirs – all snacks are included in your registration fee and do not require additional payment. A record of camper accounts is kept at the Camp Store, but a cash box is not, so it is not recommended that you send cash with your camper. The Camp Store will also be open during registration and checkout. If money remains on your camper’s account, you have the options to pick it up then or donate the money to our Campership Fund to provide financial support for some of our campers.


Cancellation Policy

In the event of a cancellation, a refund will be given minus a $50 processing fee if it is more than three weeks away from the start of the session. If the cancellation is less than three weeks from the beginning of the session, a refund will not be issued unless the cancellation is due to a medical or family emergency. Please call the office with any questions.


Drop off and Pick up

Registration is on Sunday from 3:00 – 4:00 pm. We are not able to take any check-ins before 3:00, so please plan your schedule accordingly. Pick up is at 2:00 pm on Friday. We ask that you do not arrive at camp prior to 1:30 pm as campers will be playing and we would like to minimize the vehicle traffic at camp. Please be sure to check in with your child’s counselor before moving your camper out of the cabin.



The Email and Photo Service comes with registration. This service provides the ability to send one-way e-mail to your camper while they are at camp, and also provides access to see pictures we take during the week. The one-way e-mail is printed and distributed with regular mail once a day.


Medical Information

The Health Form can be filled out online on the same account where you register your camper. Please complete the Camper MAR Form if your camper is bringing medications to camp.

The Medication Administration Record form must be completed and signed by both the parent and the authorized Prescriber (Physician, Dentist, Physician Assistant, Advanced Practice Registered Nurse) for EVERY medication the camper will bring to camp.

These forms must be completed every year, but if your child is attending more than one session during a summer, need to be submitted only once. Please fill out this form online no later than June 1, 2020.


Payment Information

Invoices will be sent out monthly via email. Payments can be made by logging into your online account, sending a check to the camp office, or calling the camp office. The registration needs to be paid for in full no later than June 1st.


Phones and Electronics

Cell phones and electronics (including game players, iPods, and e-readers) are not allowed at camp. At Camp Albemarle, we strive to create an opportunity for your child to unplug and take a break from the electronics they are bombarded with daily, to live within a community and bond with their counselor and fellow campers in a natural setting. If your child is found with any of these items, they will be taken away from them and returned to you on check-out day. Please do not confuse your camper by encouraging them to break this rule, but abide by the others! We want to work with you to make this experience a great one for your camper – we will call you if any of the following occur: Your child is very upset or homesick (so we can discuss options with you), your child is ill or injured and requires anything more than a Band-aid or a Tylenol, there is anything we would like to discuss with you (behavior issues, medication doses, etc.). In case of an emergency at home (when you have to talk to your child), please call the camp office and we can have them call you back, however, this requires us to pull them out of an activity and bring them to the office for the phone call. Please use this option only in case of emergencies.



Each summer, we hire a photographer to take pictures of the campers throughout the day at their daily activities. These pictures will be posted each night. The Email & Photo Service is a part of your registration. This service provides the ability to send one-way e-mail to your camper while they are at camp, and also provides access to these pictures.


Any other questions?

Please feel free to call the camp office at 252-726-4848. We are looking forward to seeing your camper this summer – please do not hesitate to contact us if we can help you in any way.

Financial Aid

Camp Albemarle has a limited amount of campership money available each year. In all but extreme cases, we are not able to award full camperships but are very willing to work with families on the cost of camp including partial camperships and payment plans. In considering how much your family may be able to contribute, please consider all sources you may have available including church or community groups, or extended family members, such as grandparents, who may consider a payment towards camp as a holiday or birthday gift.


We are committed to giving all children the opportunity to have a great camp experience, please contact Camp Albemarle for a campership application if you are concerned about your family’s ability to pay.